Wiener Racing!

We took the dog to a Dachshund Race fundraiser thingy last weekend.   He won, even with the sweater handicap:

This one gets bonus points for Excessive Stubbiness.

Some of them didnt seem to have the racing spirit:

While others did

Tater turned out to be a natural:

Although, sometimes, the competition was ..  not fierce:

The races are three dogs at a time, with the last-place dog being eliminated.  Eventually, it was just tater, and this fellow.  I attempted a measure of chivalry prior to the last heat, but the competitor only grudgingly shook hands.

and then, Victory!

We took the dog to a Dachshund Race fundraiser thingy last weekend.   He won, even with the sweater handicap:

This one gets bonus points for Excessive Stubbiness.

Some of them didnt seem to have the racing spirit:

While others did

Tater turned out to be a natural:

Although, sometimes, the competition was ..  not fierce:

The races are three dogs at a time, with the last-place dog being eliminated.  Eventually, it was just tater, and this fellow.  I attempted a measure of chivalry prior to the last heat, but the competitor only grudgingly shook hands.

and then, Victory!

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