We need human eugenics in order to create the perfect person.

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24 thoughts on “We need human eugenics in order to create the perfect person.”

  1. Ah yes systematically wiping out people with “genetic impurities” is much better than treating congenital diseases

    but seriously start with yourself

  2. Perfect for me is imperfection. I have been lucky enough to have dated/married some girls I thought were perfect, despite their imperfections. I think it is a state of mind. I’m confined to a wheelchair because I was shot by an idiot, but I still have moments when I think my life is pretty perfect. In fact, the last girl I had sex with had multiple orgasms within two minutes… she said that had never happened before. That made me happy… and seemed perfect at the time. It’s all about confidence (and having a dick that’s slightly above average). I mean, I can’t move that much, and I pleased this chick more than any “capable” man ever has… something is perfect about that.

  3. to answer you, just think a little bit, eugenics are already applied as we speak
    now in north america it may be another question, because of the tradition of pro and anti abortion, but afaik, when your baby is going to be abnormal, the foetus is aborted
    not so much handicapped
    not so much ppl with birh defects as 1 arm or 3 legs or no head (strangely, all the pics of such gents come from india or other 3rd world countries)

  4. Ok.

    Eugenics is the “applied science or the bio-social movement which advocates the use of practices aimed at improving the genetic composition of a population,” usually referring to human populations.[2] Eugenics was widely popular in the early decades of the 20th century,[3] but by the late 20th century it had fallen into disfavor, having become associated with Nazi Germany. Both the public and some elements of the scientific community have associated eugenics with Nazi abuses, such as enforced “racial hygiene“, human experimentation, and the extermination of “undesired” population groups. However, developments in geneticgenomic, and reproductive technologies at the end of the 20th century have raised many new questions and concerns about the meaning of eugenics and its ethical and moral status in the modern era, effectively creating a resurgence of interest in eugenics

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