The Religio-Science of the Aquarian Age Will Have for Its Basis the Correct System of Cosmogony KORESHANITY is the new Religio-Science, proceeding from Christianity as its fruit, as Christianity proceeded from Judaism as its fruit. then the Holy Spirit operated in the beginning of the age, its influence was pronounced in the establishment of communism as the very foundation of the social life of the followers of the Lord. Those who received the Holy Ghost went and sold their possessions and “brought the prices ofthe things that were sold, and laid them down at the apostles’ feet: and distribution was made unto every man according as he had need.” (Acts 4: 34, 35.)

The Religio-Science of the Aquarian Age Will Have for Its Basis the Correct System of Cosmogony KORESHANITY is the new Religio-Science, proceeding from Christianity as its fruit, as Christianity proceeded from Judaism as its fruit. then the Holy Spirit operated in the beginning of the age, its influence was pronounced in the establishment of communism as the very foundation of the social life of the followers of the Lord. Those who received the Holy Ghost went and sold their possessions and “brought the prices ofthe things that were sold, and laid them down at the apostles’ feet: and distribution was made unto every man according as he had need.” (Acts 4: 34, 35.)

The early church was communistic. The reason communism did not continue as the result of the progress of the church is because in its declension it went, body and soul, over to paganism, where it is destined to remain until the Lord’s manifestation in the production of the Sons of God, and through the development of this order, the complete manifestation of the kingdom of Righteousness throughout the earth.

Koreshanity is developing organic Communism in the practical formation of communistic groups, the central group being at the present time in Estero, Fla. The form and function of the physical universe are taken as the pattern for organic societal arrangement. It is for this reason that a knowledge of Cosmogony must constitute the foundation for the orderly construc-
tion of the social kingdom.

Koreshanity is an endorsement and a confirmation of both
Judaism, before its fall, and Christianity before paganism en-
forced its declension and prostitution. Koreshanity is the resto-
ration of the authority and practical force of the law of God.
“Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may
have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the
gates into the city.” A restoration to Edenic purity is an es-
sential factor to the inheritance of life.
We are to become immortal here, in the body; this trans-
formation is the reincarnation, the resurrection of the dead; and
there are thousands in the flesh today who will pass out without
the ordinary corruptible dissolution of the body, for the time
is at hand when there shall be no more death. This is to be
accomplished through the-science of religion. -. –
The fundamentals of the science of religion are to be found
in the scientific exposition of the Decalogue; this science being
fully elucidated in the literature of Koreshanity. The ten com-
mandments contain the ten fundamental principles of immor-
tality. We have reached the end of the Christian age, and be-
cause the old heaven and earth are to- pass away, (this is the
passing of the old church and state,) there comes into the world
a revelation of the true system of cosmogonic form. This cos-
mic science constitutes the basis of all knowledge. The form and
function of the physical universe constitute the sublime key to a
knowledge of all other things, including the true religion, and
that social government which shall fulfil the prayer: “Thy
kingdom come; thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.”[sic]

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