Tits and music.

Hello all, I recently purchased a means with which to record music and I was looking for some feedback. For your time, I humbly offer up the tithe of the ghetto. Tits first of course, music below. Oldies, but goodies.

And one for Dutch Master, if he is still out there.

As for my music, here it is. It is just guitar and drums right now, with occasional midi piano or synth.
Any and all feedback is appreciated.

Hello all, I recently purchased a means with which to record music and I was looking for some feedback. For your time, I humbly offer up the tithe of the ghetto. Tits first of course, music below. Oldies, but goodies.

And one for Dutch Master, if he is still out there.

As for my music, here it is. It is just guitar and drums right now, with occasional midi piano or synth.
Any and all feedback is appreciated.

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14 thoughts on “Tits and music.”

  1. No wonder I like you.  I didn’t know before just now that you are a musician. Musicians should open all correspondence to me with “I am a Musician”.  Fellow musicians in particular, but any real artist deserves special consideration, and I will always give a concerted effort to responding with kindness and understanding.  Even to idiot inbred Muslims and shitslurping Obama supporters. 


  2. Ahh Tolland, you know given your past usage of italics it makes it difficult for me to know whether you are serious or not! I guess that is half the fun though, trying to figure out whether you actually like or loathe someone. What made you think I was involved with music? I think people need to give you a chance, people are so hasty these days though.

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