27 thoughts on “Thursday, August 11 @ 10:35:40 pm”

  1. I really would like the TV chair and I’m pretty sure you already know of my love of FZ. This post is brilliant!

    By the way, you reposted me on something here. 😉

  2. you just made my g/f’s night since her and her bff are going to see Princess Bride at a midnight showing and were about to leave when I showed them. 

  3. We had a Princess Bride battle of wits/dance party here a local DJ put on. It was called “The Cliffs of Insanity!” I got bronze on the trivia… I fucked up on stage, being nervous.


    Hope they nerdgasm all over this shit. You guys should put on a show or party in your area if they’re such avid fans.

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