Sorry, Cunty

So, I loves me the ghetto, but some of cunty’s posts make me wish that each entry had a button that would let me hide it if I didn’t want to have to scroll all the way through for fear of tearing out my own eyes.  In lieu of that, here’s a quick trick.  Find the javascript console on your browser, and enter this line of javascript:
$("div.node").each(function(idx, item){
  if($("a[href='/?q=blogs/cunt-cunt-cunty-cunt']", item).length)

Press enter, and it’ll look through every entry on that page and hide it if it has a link to cunty’s blog.  Run it again, and they all show up. If you know the id for a specific entry div (like node-11654), then you can hide just that one with:

The function toggle() switches the visibility on or off, hide() hides and show() shows.

So, I loves me the ghetto, but some of cunty’s posts make me wish that each entry had a button that would let me hide it if I didn’t want to have to scroll all the way through for fear of tearing out my own eyes.  In lieu of that, here’s a quick trick.  Find the javascript console on your browser, and enter this line of javascript:
$("div.node").each(function(idx, item){
  if($("a[href='/?q=blogs/cunt-cunt-cunty-cunt']", item).length)

Press enter, and it’ll look through every entry on that page and hide it if it has a link to cunty’s blog.  Run it again, and they all show up. If you know the id for a specific entry div (like node-11654), then you can hide just that one with:

The function toggle() switches the visibility on or off, hide() hides and show() shows.
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62 thoughts on “Sorry, Cunty”

  1. You’re on SG, brains are turned off. Comments are dick size contest, and the long you’ve been registered the bigger your dick is supposed to be. Pointless to argue.
    Nice script btw.

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