If you fancy buying one, they’re £16 to the uk, £18 elsewhere, you get sent one at random (they’re all wrapped up and nicely packaged) drop me an email at chezzjames at hotmail dot com
Would appreciate a sale because I am broke as fuck 🙂
If you fancy buying one, they’re £16 to the uk, £18 elsewhere, you get sent one at random (they’re all wrapped up and nicely packaged) drop me an email at chezzjames at hotmail dot com
Would appreciate a sale because I am broke as fuck 🙂
If you fancy buying one, they’re £16 to the uk, £18 elsewhere, you get sent one at random (they’re all wrapped up and nicely packaged) drop me an email at chezzjames at hotmail dot com
Would appreciate a sale because I am broke as fuck 🙂