Ron Paul’s Dark Politics

He’s anti-woman, anti-gay, anti-black, anti-senior-citizen, anti-equality and anti-education, and that’s just the start.

He’s anti-woman, anti-gay, anti-black, anti-senior-citizen, anti-equality and anti-education, and that’s just the start.

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70 thoughts on “Ron Paul’s Dark Politics”

  1. It doesn’t matter who you vote for because like George Carlin once said “politicians are there to make you think you have a choice, but you don’t”

  2. end times… well, let’s see. we have a  Global population of nearly 7 Billion people. If everyone lived in a Commune maybe it could change something. but Humanity is about to end and we can support it by the fact that there ever was a Big Red button made in the first place…. Big Red Button equals Humanity ending. Making a Big Red Button projects future of humanity. Therefore it is the end times whether self fulfilled prophecy or coeincedoink.

  3. most of the people who fight about racism are journalists. Journalists don’t like hanging because Most Journalists like to slander and slander is murder, so it was tradition to hang slanderist Journalists, and also child molestors. Most people who slander others are child molestors. Because we are all equal we can begin to hang the corrupt slanderers and child molestors of our own people, on an equal basis, without amnesty or favoritism. throw in some murderers, and rapists and there you go, a reduction in the population by 1/3 and no used of the Nukes, which are overtime going to account for massive body counts anyways but regardless….


  4. Ron Paul is a nice guy, nice gent. has some good virtues, but his policy on US Educational department has no chance of going anywhere. Everyone wants to talk about the schools, but the last ten years all they have done is cut funding for schools and throw more children in the classrooms.Then their whole fucking plan is to cut more teachers and cut the schools with A grades. Ronny wants to cut out the Fed. And the IRS. Not many Government employees  will be happy about that. In Florida there is already a backfire for what Rick Scott is doing statewide to the Police, Schoolteachers and Public transportation. Ronny doesn’t want his pension, and thinks it’s immoral to get a pension for public service. No other politicthinian would work with the guy. He’s a Republican opposite of Carter. A purist and a lame duck once he hits the White Haus. He’s a good guy, served his country, but is also Old and we live in a new era. He has the right kind of character, but too bad none of the people who would follow him has one. They just see an opportunity to Divide and Conquer this country and hoard more money. The Tea Party was hijacked within the first few months it was created. They are worse than the GOP, just look at the mess the Tea Party members Churches find themselves in. (even with all those tax breaks).

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