Rolling Rolling Rolling

I have been working on this commission for a client for a few days.  Not straight 8 hours…I have to sculpt while lying on my stomach in bed because I cannot stand long enough…Like a WORM!

Here is the progression so far.

concept drawing
WIP one:

WIP two:

WIP three:
This has the armatures for the wing and tail feathers in it. 
WIP four:

rolling right along.  I see the Neurosurgeon at 10:30am today…didn’t realize it was so late…

I have been working on this commission for a client for a few days.  Not straight 8 hours…I have to sculpt while lying on my stomach in bed because I cannot stand long enough…Like a WORM!

Here is the progression so far.

concept drawing
WIP one:

WIP two:

WIP three:
This has the armatures for the wing and tail feathers in it. 
WIP four:

rolling right along.  I see the Neurosurgeon at 10:30am today…didn’t realize it was so late…

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