Review of a video found on
“I honestly wish we could give every woman on Earth except this girl a hysterectomy. We need to stop all of these ugly people from breeding and filling out world with ugly babies. The girl in this video can be the mother of our future Utopian society. Imagine a world where every woman looked like her, imagine a world without ugly sluts filling out bars, homes and workplaces. Imagine a world where men no longer have to worry about whether their girlfriend is hotter than their friend’s girlfriend, because everyone has insanely hot girlfriends modeled from the perfect DNA of Chloe. We could finally buckle down and start developing space travel, faster-than-light transportation, food replication, HIV/cancer vaccines, and all of the other things we don’t do because we’re too busy trying to fuck hot chicks. We could all wear silver jump suits too , because it’s the future, and that’s what people do in the future.”
Porn Review
June 22, 2011 1:16 am GMT -5
Review of a video found on
“I honestly wish we could give every woman on Earth except this girl a hysterectomy. We need to stop all of these ugly people from breeding and filling out world with ugly babies. The girl in this video can be the mother of our future Utopian society. Imagine a world where every woman looked like her, imagine a world without ugly sluts filling out bars, homes and workplaces. Imagine a world where men no longer have to worry about whether their girlfriend is hotter than their friend’s girlfriend, because everyone has insanely hot girlfriends modeled from the perfect DNA of Chloe. We could finally buckle down and start developing space travel, faster-than-light transportation, food replication, HIV/cancer vaccines, and all of the other things we don’t do because we’re too busy trying to fuck hot chicks. We could all wear silver jump suits too , because it’s the future, and that’s what people do in the future.”