So my friend at work is going to pop the question. Today he asked me how he should go about doing it. My 1st instinct was to talk him out of it, but he has already bought the ring, and had her help him pick it out.Needless to say most of my ideas were too sappy or too fucking goofy. So I told him I’d ask you guys for ideas. So SG how would you pop the question? or how would you want to be asked? Oh and a picture of the lovely couple….
Ok Cats and Chicks
August 11, 2011 6:13 am GMT -5
So my friend at work is going to pop the question. Today he asked me how he should go about doing it. My 1st instinct was to talk him out of it, but he has already bought the ring, and had her help him pick it out.Needless to say most of my ideas were too sappy or too fucking goofy. So I told him I’d ask you guys for ideas. So SG how would you pop the question? or how would you want to be asked? Oh and a picture of the lovely couple….
i will never understand the whole girl picking out the ring thing.