Last week’s OC

Hi, ghetto! I’ve been having chest pains for 2 weeks and found out yesterday that I have an arrhythmia! I get to go to the cardiologist on Thursday.

Since I’ve been feeling so shitty, I’ve spent some time getting to know my local wildlife.
This one is dead. The little kids flipped shit when they saw him, though. He’s about a 1.5-pounder, big enough to eat if he weren’t dead.
I talked to the kid holding this starfish and his dad for a few minutes. As they were getting ready to leave, his dad felt it necessary to come up to me and tell me I have a “stunning” body. It made me mildly uncomfortable.
One squirrel has figured out how to get on our bird feeder. Our cats are confused by this.
He doesn’t give a shit that I’m less than a foot from him. He probably understands that there’s a window between us. Even when I tapped on the glass and sprayed him with water from another window, he just kept eating.
You can see his tiny squirrel penis.
The beach again.

Hi, ghetto! I’ve been having chest pains for 2 weeks and found out yesterday that I have an arrhythmia! I get to go to the cardiologist on Thursday.

Since I’ve been feeling so shitty, I’ve spent some time getting to know my local wildlife.
This one is dead. The little kids flipped shit when they saw him, though. He’s about a 1.5-pounder, big enough to eat if he weren’t dead.
I talked to the kid holding this starfish and his dad for a few minutes. As they were getting ready to leave, his dad felt it necessary to come up to me and tell me I have a “stunning” body. It made me mildly uncomfortable.
One squirrel has figured out how to get on our bird feeder. Our cats are confused by this.
He doesn’t give a shit that I’m less than a foot from him. He probably understands that there’s a window between us. Even when I tapped on the glass and sprayed him with water from another window, he just kept eating.
You can see his tiny squirrel penis.
The beach again.
Some snails.
I think this is a coral that washed up. It was a little bit squishy.
This is a motherfucking live lobster right here. It’s a small one (only like 5″ from the tips of the claws to the tail), but it was still cool to see it in its natural habitat.
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