My arms are now OC for the ghetto, it fucking burns and i have to wait until tuesday to my appointment with mr doctor
Kill it…with fire
June 18, 2011 3:10 am GMT -5
My arms are now OC for the ghetto, it fucking burns and i have to wait until tuesday to my appointment with mr doctor
Owies. Love your furriness though.
ever had poison ivy/oak/sumac before?
did you buy some cheap john cena armbands recently?
Nice chest, Nancy Drew
Looks like “ohnoforearm testicularis” to me. Balls. Of. The. Forearm.
Yeah, take a benadryl and see if that dulls the itching! Don’t forget to post an update for us after you see the doc.
hahahaha nop
I will, thanks dude
at least you wore condoms on your arms for your double fisting session. dont go so deep next time
……….ba dum tshh
It looks like you’re reacting to something that you were carrying in the crook of your arms