Today I paid for my plane tickets to the US. That’s right. For those who don’t already know, I’m heading over to the ‘States in April for 3 weeks. I can only afford to do the west coast, and am shamelessly couch surfing where possible… I already have a couple of things tentatively organised, but basically I’m flying in to LA on the 31st March and flying home from Portland on the 24th of April. I have ambitions of meeting as many SGers as I can. I am also hoping to get in on a training session with the Portland Mens Roller Derby team. (Why? It’s a MEN’S team!!)

You Call That A Knife (Knifey Spoony) from QuotesFTW on Vimeo.
oooer … how excitement!!!! I’m all thingy for you already 😉
Me too!! =D