I’m getting married this Saturday

and I haven’t written my vows so I am looking to you my beloved ghetto for help… lets make this a wedding she’ll never forget!

and I haven’t written my vows so I am looking to you my beloved ghetto for help… lets make this a wedding she’ll never forget!

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27 thoughts on “I’m getting married this Saturday”

  1. Be a man and write something about how you truly feel rather than listening to imbecile suggestions, although I have a sneaking suspicion you would’ve done this anyway, and was only posting the question for humorous alternate reality scenarios involving you getting canned and humiliated.

  2. Dear friend

     it is painfully obvious that your dissertation of this gentlemans request for assistance went completely misunderstood due to your furor loquendi

  3. I pledge to thee my love,

     to care and love you always. I promise to always treat you like an equal, respect and adore your companionship, and remain faithful and content with our love for the rest of my days upon this earth. You complete me (insert name here).
    (all of my promises are void if our sex life goes to shit and/or you get fat[spoken inaudibly low and fast])

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