thanks for your attention. 
i got a present. thanks to mike handy; i’ve never seen you up here and i dont know you but that doenst mean anything, does it? 
so i told him on elfter i was afraid of texas and i would be happy about anything he might be willing to send. 
we killed the gummy bacon and the jerky already. wow that was disgusting and great at the same time. especially the beef jerky. this is crack and tasted different than the imported stuff u get here. more jerky if you will. 
i’ll also try to insert the plastic faces with the help of the lubricant while watchin the retarted movie i got on usb. special thanks for the party army glasses (fit my collection) and the rubbers (i have never used one). 
say SPECIAL THANKS to your wife for the drawing wich my artist-wife finds “actually pretty good”. plus i wonder, did you take the time to look that shit up? i know krampus’ are big since waltz talked about ’em on fallon – or do you have austrian ancestors? cause i have. my dad. 
next year i am going to fuckin BLESS someone. decided not to put up what i sent yet, hoping it’ll get presented here. crossing fingers no ones going to jail. 
some hospital oc:
http://scontent-b.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xaf1/t50.2886-16/10901889_413303988827575_1345373110_n.mp4 ( embedding not working 🙁 )

thanks for your attention. 
i got a present. thanks to mike handy; i’ve never seen you up here and i dont know you but that doenst mean anything, does it? 
so i told him on elfter i was afraid of texas and i would be happy about anything he might be willing to send. 
we killed the gummy bacon and the jerky already. wow that was disgusting and great at the same time. especially the beef jerky. this is crack and tasted different than the imported stuff u get here. more jerky if you will. 
i’ll also try to insert the plastic faces with the help of the lubricant while watchin the retarted movie i got on usb. special thanks for the party army glasses (fit my collection) and the rubbers (i have never used one). 
say SPECIAL THANKS to your wife for the drawing wich my artist-wife finds “actually pretty good”. plus i wonder, did you take the time to look that shit up? i know krampus’ are big since waltz talked about ’em on fallon – or do you have austrian ancestors? cause i have. my dad. 
next year i am going to fuckin BLESS someone. decided not to put up what i sent yet, hoping it’ll get presented here. crossing fingers no ones going to jail. 
some hospital oc:
http://scontent-b.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xaf1/t50.2886-16/10901889_413303988827575_1345373110_n.mp4 ( embedding not working 🙁 )

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