Me at 348 Pounds

Me 28 Months later 174 pounds lost sitting at about 177 Pounds

DIET, EXERCISE and, GNC Mens Health Sport Multivitamin
Not fishing for complements just proving that you can do anything you want to, you just need to get off your ass and get to it.
You’re one of the fat folks I have respect for… because you did something about it instead of NOTHING… and complaining to everyone you’re unhappy. -.-
Good job.
THANK YOU. I used to work in a gym and there’s no substitute to regular exercise for rapid weight loss.
That took you 2 1/2 years? That’s fantastic that you were able to keep with it that long to finally see these results. Good on you! You look very awesome. <3
I went from 300 to 230 in ~10 months last year, I’m at about 210 now.
good shit. a have a friend of mine thats been having trouble losing weight for years. he just cant seem to shake it off.
you can shed pounds but you cant lose ugly
” you can do anything you want to, you just need to get off your ass and get to it.”
It’s not rocket science. Eat right, exercise, stop bitching.
Good for you.
Yeah unfortunately my face looks like it was hit with a blunt object.
I want to eat food and be fat. But congrats to you.
Chubby girls are the best kind of girls. 🙂
Much respect man.
In most cases it’s just all about doing the damn thing…no crazy diets or even ridiculous time intense workouts, just the willpower and habit of eating decently healthy most of the time, and exercising for an hour or so a few days a week.
mad props
fuck tha haterz and fuck sleep apnea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well, good for you, I suppose.
I recently got diagnosed with American Fatass Disease (Metabolic Syndrome) with insulin resistance, so it’s more exercise and better eating for me.
nice job, man. losing weight really isn’t hard at all. i was around 230 last march (heaviest i’ve ever been) and i’m down to 190 now and the pounds are still falling off. i walk the dog 3 miles almost every day at a pretty good clip and try to eat around 1500 calories a day. i splurge every now and then and eat whatever the fuck i want, and i do love beer, but turns out all you really have to do is put your fucking mind to it and get off your ass. anyone that can’t lose weight isn’t really trying.
Your avatar and his before pic come together for a most amusing mental image. You just made my evening. lol
Pic 1. April 2009. 70kg. 2 hours a day at the gym, personal trainer, living on little more than steak/fish/chicken, salad, coffee and cigarettes.
I should add, I’ve been around the 80-90 kg mark since high school. I don’t give a rats arse. I’d rather be fat and healthy… and I have always been able to reach my toes. 😉
PS… Good on you for losing such epic amounts of weight the healthy way. =D
Those knee pads look ridiculous.
Yeah, they’re a bit big… They’re ProTech Ramp knee pads. Falling over is awesome with those. I don’t feel a damned thing. When your knees are as shitty as mine, this is an epic thing. =D
Roller derby? Nice. I recently spent some time with friend in Texas who’s on a team. Sadly I wasn’t able to see one of her bouts. But she did put the uniform on for me ;-) They get to replay the only team that beat them this year when for their championship bout
Roller Derby is awesome to watch… and even more awesome to play. Sadly, it’s looking like I’ll never get to play in an actual bout, but I can continue on in a non-contact ref position. I don’t care, as long as I’m still on wheels. I love it. All of it. =D
I love this picture so much. It’s the one I think of most when hungover. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
super impressed.
Nice! Now Im inspired to ride around the block.
I’ve been exactly the same weight for six years, I couldn’t put on weight even if I tried really hard.