Sup ghettonians,
just wanna say `hi` from the cold luederitz / namibia!
missing you loads but enjoying the wonderful country, animals, ppl etc.
we arrived on Friday and have seen windhoek, a beatiful city with lots of crime,
the quivertree-forrest (sooo lovely and romantic at sunset), and luederitz incl. the ghost town where diamonds got dug back in ~1890!
Now we`re in Luederitz, a lovely coastal city with a cool harbour, going to hammerstein lodge tomorrow to see and stroke cheetahs `n shizzle!
I`d totally love to upload a pic from my dslr but am quite scared of it getting damaged by a faulty usb port (im browsing via a uhmmm 486 or so with a dodgy case and stuff…)
I hope you`re doing well and see you at the next hotspot in aprox. 3000 miles!