I want it ghetto, and I know you have it.
You’ve had it long enough, time to share with your fellow ghettonians.
Because as we all know “sharing is caring” And I wanna feel some goddamn love people!
The idea is simple enough. Post some epic WHATEVER! And the reason why it’s so unforgettable to you.
And feel free to post as many things you like. (and use as many links as possible so other people can enjoy it too)
I’ll start:
epic song: sugar ray-fly http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUtnwcv-quE
Why: reminds me of the best summer I ever had. First time getting laid, whole days on the beach, sailing…sigh
most epic art: something recommended by goldensyrup
Why: I don’t know who this is from, but this one really got to me. It somehow related to my anger. Because that’s what I see in this. A whole lot of anger. But somehow satisfying.
most epic movie from my childhood: Hook
Why: the thought of never growing up, and of course Bangarang!
Most epic movie now: Sin City
Why: Because it’s such a over the top extravaganza of everything. plus elijah wood as a creep in this movie is fucking brilliant.
Most epic pornstar: Eva Angelina
Why: reminds me of the hottest girl I ever slept with. Plus she’s a freak!
A few epic shorts:
The Music Box by daniel cloud campos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ekUyxxpBt0&feature=feedlik
Why: I always applaud a selfmade man. and this guy just blew my mind away with this short dance/humoristic/creative clip wich pretty much did all by himself
I live in the woods by max winston: http://vimeo.com/14191230
Why: most cute and at the same time most scary version of the devil I ever saw.
Tune for two (don’t know ho made it): http://vimeo.com/21362582
Why: Most hilarious/bizarre execution you’ll ever see.
Okay people, I think you got the jest of it. It could be anything. As long as YOU think it’s EPIC. So start sharing I say! And spread the EPICNESS!!!
And here’s some more (e)pics to help you on the way:
awesome joker art
epic pool party!
epic sand sculpture
i agree with the general consensus around here…
i know the gif is shitty… its a reflection on your post.
really. haven’t we all had enough of this stupid “epic” shit already? if i ever hear the word epic used in my vicinity i usually just want to find the vile mouth that spewed it and smash it. or at least i know to avoid the shitbag that said it. fuck your “epic”. and fuck sugar ray. sugar ray. hahahahaha…jesus fuck.
The drama generated by this post balanced out the gayness
That steaming turd of a song is an inane mind virus of massive proportions. I hate it and I hate you. I would actually say it’s one of the worst songs ever recorded. Fuck. Fuck. FUCK!
that song makes me wet.
i’ll just leave this here
Not surprising. I do have impeccable taste in music…
haha. you must. sometimes i dream about having sex with the lead singer of that band, and sugar ray banging out his butthole. *sigh* 🙂
i have some of the best dreams ever.
No. Get out now you Twenty-teen year old useless, rotting, cock you.
I only fuck to smash mouth, what of it
time to re-register, but not here.
try spaceghetto.net/sg/node.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA look at you people raging, this is funny as shit! I thought I would get like 2 or 3 comments maybe, about killing myself or something in that order. but this!!!? priceless!!!
Nice try, Mr Shitty Taste in everything.
Dude you know what I did after I replied to haterockets comment? nothing.. I just went to bed. and besides, these are all suggestions YOU people made, Go, and look at you history posts. I didn’t think of one of these gems.
Unconvinced, you used “epic” your both of your most recent posts.
Also, learn to click the correct “reply” link.
you all just jelly because of this marvelous post
You are an idiot.
Against stupidity there are no pills
lol totally.
Your idiocy’s reached critical mass. You must think it some kind of conspiracy or coincidence that so many’ve reacted like this, but upon seeing this breathtaking masterstroke of failure each had, entirely independently of one another, the same thoughts: you’re fucking useless, and you need to leave.
total, total, total, totally troll bait
epic lulz
like I give a shit about some authistic boy’s opinion.
even sugar ray thinks you suck.
thank you for teaching me the right way to say he’s autistic. you see I’m not english speaking by nature, so sometimes I misspell certain words. But thanks for the tip.
And the fact that you’re friends with sugar ray is fucking epic!