Ghetto, I am disappoint…

This story has been up for days now and it has yet to be thrown up on here?

Apparently this washed up ashore in Guangdong:

Nasty half decomposed former living thing from the deep. They can’t tell what it is cuz it’s half rotted, but they can tell you that it’s fucking massive.

Personally tho, i think it’s a fillet of this:

And that the Japanese caught it while they were on an expedition to get this:

and Captain Kirigato (fake name) said, “hey guys, this could feed everyone in our village for a solid week!” So they started to fillet it and all of the sudden the ropes broke under the strain and dropped the whole thing in where it finally made it’s way to the Chinese shore as a sizable piece of rotten meat where it will undoubtedly go towards feeding the starving children in the factories for about a year so that we can have clothing to wear and soccer balls to play with.

That’s right ya little bastards, I want my soccer ball by tomorrow morning!


It was one of these:

That got near this:

This story has been up for days now and it has yet to be thrown up on here?

Apparently this washed up ashore in Guangdong:

Nasty half decomposed former living thing from the deep. They can’t tell what it is cuz it’s half rotted, but they can tell you that it’s fucking massive.

Personally tho, i think it’s a fillet of this:

And that the Japanese caught it while they were on an expedition to get this:

and Captain Kirigato (fake name) said, “hey guys, this could feed everyone in our village for a solid week!” So they started to fillet it and all of the sudden the ropes broke under the strain and dropped the whole thing in where it finally made it’s way to the Chinese shore as a sizable piece of rotten meat where it will undoubtedly go towards feeding the starving children in the factories for about a year so that we can have clothing to wear and soccer balls to play with.

That’s right ya little bastards, I want my soccer ball by tomorrow morning!


It was one of these:

That got near this:

^^Fukushima-Daiishi melting down

and turned into this:

just before it died of cancer =(

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