A Ghetto Girl Is The Girl For Me! (the s_g dating site)

Are you tired of masturbating alone?
Wish you could meet that special someone who would masturbate with you?

Join SGCupid!

SGCupid is Space_Ghetto’s ghetto dating site.

Actually, it’s just OKCupid.

Here’s how it works:
1. Make a profile at okcupid.com
2. Somewhere in that profile, add the word “spaceghetto” (lower case, all one word)
3. Search for “spaceghetto” … POW! the results are all Space_Ghetto kids!

That’s it.  Simple.

Now get on it.

Are you tired of masturbating alone?
Wish you could meet that special someone who would masturbate with you?

Join SGCupid!

SGCupid is Space_Ghetto’s ghetto dating site.

Actually, it’s just OKCupid.

Here’s how it works:
1. Make a profile at okcupid.com
2. Somewhere in that profile, add the word “spaceghetto” (lower case, all one word)
3. Search for “spaceghetto” … POW! the results are all Space_Ghetto kids!

That’s it.  Simple.

Now get on it.

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96 thoughts on “A Ghetto Girl Is The Girl For Me! (the s_g dating site)”

  1. This sounds like it’s going to turn into a huge sausage fest.  I can’t wait to hear about the google+ hangout circle jerk you all get involved in.  Keep us posted!

  2. Yeah, online dating doesn’t work as well for guys/me. Girls get hundreds of responses, and guys write message after message, not knowing how or if they’re received. Then there’s the question of sincerity versus jokiness…neither of which seems less douchey in that context.

    But that said: are there REALLY no Ghetto girls in So-Cal? That seems hard to believe.

  3. well I’ve finally given up meeting girls at the arcade and have decided to enter the modern dating arena

    look for my six page Notepad typed dating resume shoved in your face on a street corner near you

  4. I’ve gotten only a couple of messages… usually saying that I sound intimidating but they’re willing to give it a shot. *rolls eyes* 

  5. Guys tend to prefer their women to NOT be strong willed, independent and filthy mouthed. Among my friends, I’m (seriously – I’ve seen them refer to me as such) “Just one of the boys”. A lotta guys don’t like that. *shrugs* Soft. All of them. 

    You? You look like someone I’d hang out with. Why not? Keep your eyes open, in the next week I find out if I will be over there in April for a holiday. You can take me out for coffee. 
  6. Guys tend to prefer their women to NOT be strong willed, independent and filthy mouthed. Among my friends, I’m (seriously – I’ve seen them refer to me as such) “Just one of the boys”. A lotta guys don’t like that. *shrugs* Soft. All of them. 

    That’s me too.
  7. Should we ever get to hang out, I’ll buy YOU a coffee. Then we can laugh and objectify the boys as they walk by. One of my favourite pastimes. =D

  8. are you looking to be coaxed into doing so? not to be rude, but if you
    don’t want to do it, don’t,  but there’s no need to act high n mighty by
    hoping on the thread of all of us sharing and being friendly to tell us
    your single and available, but not doing it eh?

  9. well shit, i had no intention of being “coaxed,” at all (but now i can see why it seems like it). i made that comment without actually thinking about it, i apologize, didn’t want to come off as a bitch/idiot. too late, shit. 

  10. The last girl I met on OKStupid:

    She is about four years older than me, 30 but looks 23.  We went out for drinks on our first date and ended up fucking that night.  Due to either my witty charm or her need to get a ride on the bony pony, I’m not sure which factor kept us going.  She was nice, somewhat attractive and a little kinky.  We were together for about a month until she started having feelings for me.  I couldn’t stand her by this point.  She always said “I’m sorry” over dumb shit, I hated her shitty little dog with bad teeth and she was just straight up dull.  But sex was fun, so I kept at it.  I had sex with two other girls on the side and even tag teamed her with my friend.  What a sport.  But, she had a case of the cuckoo.  After I explained to her that I was over her she came to my friends going away party.  Bands were playing, everyone was drinking (original) FourLoko, getting rowdy and having a good time.  But this girl shows up and wants my attention.  Supposedly she made out with one of my friends in an attempt to make me jealous.  Another one of my friends jumped into her during the show and she wanted me to stick up for her.  I told her to do it herself so she started slapping the shit out of my friend and yelling at him (mind you this is a punk show with fourloko, she’s lucky that’s all that happened).  Later on she gets kicked out for making out with another friend of mine, who has a girlfriend that wasn’t there.  They go to the cemetery across the street and my friend tries to fuck her.  He couldn’t get it up so he fisted her instead.  Eventually he ended up dragging her my one foot, naked, across the dirt, yelling at her “Shut up! Shut up!”  She comes back to the party and tries to get my attention, to talk.  I tell her ‘no’ over and over, until I eventually just run away from her to another side of the house, several times.  Eventually I go home to get 5 hours of sleep before work.  She shows up at my place wanting me to help her find her purse.  I tell her ‘no’ but she wont listen.  She keeps insisting, repeating herself and wanting to talk about ‘us’.  Eventually I lead her out of my shed/room, run back in and lock her out.  She starts pounding on the door with a 2X4.  I open the door, take it and throw it into the neighbors yard.  She gets another piece of wood and goes at it again.  I take it from her and throw it into the neighbors yard.  She gets another piece of wood and goes at it again.  I take it from her and throw it into the neighbors yard.  She gets another piece of wood and goes at it again.  I take it from her and throw it into the neighbors yard. Then I try to reason with her, but she wont listen still.  I force her out of my room once again, tumbling to the ground with her.  I’m a little bloody and bruised.  She starts with another 2X4 on my door.  I take it from her and spit in her face.  It’s 5 AM and I have to be at work at 8AM.  I called a bunch of my friends to see if I could crash a their places, but they were all still partying and didn’t have room.  Fuckers.  So I did what one of them suggested and called the cops.  Shame.  They came and escorted her home, two blocks away.

    After that she apologized, excessively and obsessively.  She kept sliding money under my door for repairs to the door.  I never repaired the door or told her to stop giving me money.  It came out to about 200 bucks, which I equate to an asshole tax for keeping me up before I had to work.  Then she bought a painting from me and gave me art books and drawing supplies.  I forgave her, but will never talk to her again.  I hate going to work without sufficient sleep.

    Here’s some pics she sent me:


  11. Yeah, rehosting is on my to-do list.  Fuck photobucket’s ‘too many views’ shit. 

    And no, I live in a backyard in a well built shed.  Cheap rent rules.

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