Fuck me up!

So, I am new here people…I want to see a movie that is just as fucked up as this movie.  I used to go on here anonymously and saw people rave about this movie.  So I watched it and loved it…so help me people…tell me some fucked up movies that make this look like a childs film (if possible) or just some more fucked up movies

So, I am new here people…I want to see a movie that is just as fucked up as this movie.  I used to go on here anonymously and saw people rave about this movie.  So I watched it and loved it…so help me people…tell me some fucked up movies that make this look like a childs film (if possible) or just some more fucked up movies

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19 thoughts on “Fuck me up!”

  1. i tried to look it up for you but i found they remade it which i had forgotten about. apparently the budget for the remake was $1.5 mil and they only made $92.5k from it.

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