Forensic Entomology & the 5 stages of Decomposition

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Fresh Stage: Blowflies and Houseflies are immediately attracted to body, and begin laying eggs around openings in flesh.

Bloated Stage: Bloating and seepage of fluids attract more flies as well as beetles and mites–none of which actually eat flesh, but rather, lay eggs and feed on fluids.

Wet Stage: Abdominal wall is broken, carcass deflates, and a large number of maggots (fly larvae) become apparent due to eggs that were previously deposited. They have mouth parts suitable for actually feeding on flesh, as opposed to adults.

Dry Stage: Remaining flesh is slowly removed; new smells attract a different set of bugs–mostly beetles and “cheese skipper” flies. (Again, only the larvae actually feed on flesh.)

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Fresh Stage: Blowflies and Houseflies are immediately attracted to body, and begin laying eggs around openings in flesh.

Bloated Stage: Bloating and seepage of fluids attract more flies as well as beetles and mites–none of which actually eat flesh, but rather, lay eggs and feed on fluids.

Wet Stage: Abdominal wall is broken, carcass deflates, and a large number of maggots (fly larvae) become apparent due to eggs that were previously deposited. They have mouth parts suitable for actually feeding on flesh, as opposed to adults.

Dry Stage: Remaining flesh is slowly removed; new smells attract a different set of bugs–mostly beetles and “cheese skipper” flies. (Again, only the larvae actually feed on flesh.)

Skeletal Stage: Skin beetles and Hide beetles finish off remaining parts–mainly dried flesh, hair, and bones.

Bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs

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