Hi Ghetto. My car was broken into last night. They took my laptop and portable drive. More importantly, they took my Betty Page thermos, and my entire collection of Settlers of Catan.
I had every expansion, and my ex and I played it on a daily basis when we were together.
This is the only photo I have to remember it:
The laptop and hard drive were gifts. Laptop was ancient. Hard drive was porn-free. But god damnit, that game set had so many good memories associated with it.
You are free to call a wahmbulance on me and call me a retard for leaving shit like that in my car. I live in a nice neighborhood, but whatevs. I know a few of you will understand, though. Blargh.
June 14, 2011 5:06 pm GMT -5
Hi Ghetto. My car was broken into last night. They took my laptop and portable drive. More importantly, they took my Betty Page thermos, and my entire collection of Settlers of Catan.
I had every expansion, and my ex and I played it on a daily basis when we were together.
This is the only photo I have to remember it:
The laptop and hard drive were gifts. Laptop was ancient. Hard drive was porn-free. But god damnit, that game set had so many good memories associated with it.
You are free to call a wahmbulance on me and call me a retard for leaving shit like that in my car. I live in a nice neighborhood, but whatevs. I know a few of you will understand, though. Blargh.
Just tell me how many penis pictures it will take to heal this atrocious wounds, and I will do my best to see you recover with speed. Your word is my command.
I’m sad for you ;-( … however, I totally agree with Purity … Karma … what goes around comes around, so they will get their just desert in the end 😉
That sucks. Don’t get why ppl can’t leave shit alone when it’s not theirs.
sux dude :/
finite resources.
I would rage so hard if someone broke into my car. Sorry, bro :c
Sorry to hear about this 🙁 That blows.
that blows. could have been worse though, they could’ve just taken your car right?
Ugh!! That’s terrible. I know it sucks driving and not being able to roll up a window.
Very true
I like the old school char. sheet. What is that, 2nd Edition?
My ex husband’s car was broken into (he left his GPS on the windscreen. Dickhead…) and they smashed the passenger side window. I took advantage and mooned people at random on the way home through it without the inconvenience of having to wind that thing up and down again. Good thing it was an easy fix – and he is a mechanic.
It was more like couldn’t see behind me because it was the whole back of my wagon and those old Corollas don’t have passenger side mirrors, heh.
surprisingly enough it’s 4th edition. used the d&d character builder thru their site. pretty nifty. i need to read up on forgotten realms, i’m dm’ing from that book next month.
That is wonderful to hear. 🙂
Ohhh dang. I didn’t recognize it because I haven’t played 4th in so long – and I love 4th. My friends are all whiny babies who insist on playing 3.5 or Pathfinder. Meh. Have fun with the Thayan wizards!
i will avenge you
ok, i’m sorry, dude, but i gotta raise a question:
why the ever living fuck did you leave that stuff in your car overnight in the first place–don’t you use it regularly? was any of it where it might be seen? are any of your settlers-playing friends “sketchy” at all, given that they knew to take the things?
i feel badly for you, because obviously the asshole who broke into your car who’s at fault, but growing up in a major rust belt city taught me to kiss anything left in the car for more than a few hours goodbye. even in the suburbs you’re not safe–criminals like to go where the money is. always take it inside, where you ideally have your firearms and/or dorky truck stop katana.
other than that, i need to second the question about “weren’t you worried about damage,” this time not from heat but from evening/night condensation. man did it manage to fuck up a nice book left in my car over the space of a week.
Nice neighborhoods are where smart car thieves go cuz people leave cool shit in there cars,,,,
Since the aforementioned heat-sensitive stuff was in a case, I wasn’t toooo worried about it, but yeah. Overall, it sucks, but I am a big dope for leaving it in there. It was all out of sight – not sitting on the seat or anything – and Catan was in a big metal case, which I’m sure will disappoint them when they open it. “Cardboard and little pieces of wood? We ain’t gonna get shit for this, Daryll.” And no, no sketchy friends. I left it in the car regularly because I’d bring it to other people’s houses and play. It was a laziness/onvenience issue.
Actually I have a hatchet. I have yet to use it, but it’s right near the door just in case. 🙂
i guess the most confusing part is the laptop and hard drive. that is stuff people normally bring in overnight if only because it gets used, or charged, or is nice to have around if you need a file for this or that purpose and it’s not on the desktop. did they take your stereo too or just clean out contents? was it in the trunk? honestly, the loss of a good classic set of catan is the worst thing imaginable of that bunch. it’s easily the most valuable part. next time, put on the case “nerd boardgames. trust me, tweakers, you don’t want this. you can’t fence it.”
one day a year or so ago i left my car unlocked in a “sketchy” (in the sense of “lots of college students and homeless people”) neighborhood where i lived for the year. it was an accident; i think my fob might have been hit by a key or a coin while in my pocket. but it was unlocked for about 12 hours. whoever broke in tossed the contents of all my compartments (glove compartment, control panel storage, seat back envelopes) but didn’t take anything i could detect. i even had a roll of quarters in plain sight and they didn’t take that. nobody slept in it, puked in it, or otherwise damaged the car–just emptied out the compartments. to this day it confuses the fuck out of me.
anyway, sorry for the shitty turn of events. does your car insurance comprehensive cover theft of contents? if so, make the police report and see what you can do about restoring some of that glory.
sometimes, people in nice neighborhoods (like where annababy must live because she’s nice she’s nice she’s nice) actually leave their cars running and unattended for extended periods of time. that is one thing i just do not understand at all: so lazy and complacent you will leave the keys in your $50,000 luxury vehicle with the door unlocked and the engine running? it seems to happen all over the world, too.