China says the dollar will be discarded as the world’s reserve currency, and S&P is now warning of a SECOND downgrade.
August 7, 2011 3:21 pm GMT -5
Who thought we ever would?
Congrats Obama, you’ve snatched defeat from the hands of victory, and taken your rightful place as the worst President evar. I had always hoped that our first Black President would be a great one. Oh, well…….. Maybe our first Woman President will be a great one.
Who thought we ever would?
Congrats Obama, you’ve snatched defeat from the hands of victory, and taken your rightful place as the worst President evar. I had always hoped that our first Black President would be a great one. Oh, well…….. Maybe our first Woman President will be a great one.
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92 thoughts on “China says the dollar will be discarded as the world’s reserve currency, and S&P is now warning of a SECOND downgrade.”
Thing is Trolland, we both know that the bringing of America to its knees has been done on purpose. A war of choice in Iraq that was paid for by TAX CUTS says it all. Government money borrowed from the investor class went to buy armaments and materiel, supllied by, you guessed it, investor class corporate fucks. Who happens to be the GOP powerbase, wink wink.They want to shrink government and kill it and looky here, they pulled it off, coincidently enriching themselves on the way. Go figure. Two terms of ineptness couldn’t bring about the perfect storm that made America more and more gangrenous while enriching the investor class, then as it goes belly up due to collective malfeasance of the lackeys of finance and capitol the working class gets robbed to pay for a bailout, that enriches the investor class.
And ignorant hardons like you scream about liberals while stomping around your trailer watching FOX news wishing you could buy some gold but your shit job doesn’t pay enough to cover your pro wrestling pay for view and your cigarettes and old milwaukee for the week as it is, plus your kid is knocked up, which caused her to lose her ‘exotic dancing’ job – like your wife tricking for oxys isn’t enough…
They are bringing the whole shithouse down. Maybe you can get a homeland security job with the new regime and teach those educated bastards that laugh at you who’s boss. Blackwater has chinese tutors now, you’ll do fine with your new corporate masters.
OK, hate to take it off the misguided political rant:
Has it occurred to anyone that Moody’s rated all CDOs in 2008 at AAA? Or junk bonds before that? Is a credit rating really any relevant predictor of long-term value?
If you can’t answer any of those questions, don’t try and add your own ignorance in.
Credit is an individual or an entity’s ability to defer debt, not a guarantee of value. We’re debt crazy, and that isn’t going to change. The rest of the world is justified in second-guessing the value of our long-term bonds because we keep adding debt and not accounting for the fact that we’re essentially taxing the next generations. That’s not Obama’s fault, or even Reagan’s fault. Trolland probably has some student loans or credit card debt and doesn’t realize he’s contributing to the problem.
Oh yeah, and just to mention, I sure as hell can’t figure out where these dipshit fucking neocons got the idea that anyone is listening to them. Why not be a fucking adult and pay your taxes like everyone else? oh that’s right, I forgot: entitlement.
Well damn. If you don’t like how things are going in the United States, then fucking LEAVE. We don’t need your treasonous bullshit.
Get off it. Those of us who wish to argue or discuss or agree or insult or whatever are welcome. Those who don’t understand (as in you) are welcome to leave, and probably should.
how did I know that you’d avoid revealing anything about your actual politics. C’mon, Tolland, won’t you tell us the direction you’d like to see this country headed in and give us some idea of how you think we could get there?
Actually I’ll be happy to discuss in greater detail. I’d just like to see this country in a much more financially stable position. Government spending is too often in areas I don’t support, and the deficit is insane….
you obviously have no clue what you’re talking about and have a very shallow and thoughless view about how the real world works, my friend
knocked up strippers actually make more in their first trimester as kind of an unspoken severance package as their breasts get all swollen and tender and have that rosy fertile glow that just flips a switch inside those packs of sweaty persians looking to drop some serious dollars after a long day on their cell phones in their Fendi franchise store
a little pooch above the cooch easily disguised with your bunched down babydoll during your feature dance because if you’re the kind of guy to talk shit about a dancer because she has a bit of a gut it’s because you and your jerkoff friends are the kind of guys who pay the cover charge and sit in the back and fucking window shop all day (fuck you, get the fuck out, no one likes you and you are a waste of space)
you start to show more and you still have an in, doing private bachelor parties pulling in 3 g’s a night because odds are your bosses who live and breathe among the community that has possessed a staring problem since the third grade and are filthy with connections to keep you earning before you squirt out you Keelaigh or Desteeny or whatever its name is and you’re back to work with an angry red C-section scar to push in some unwashed trucker’s face
so ends today’s lesson on how the real world operates (for tomorrow, have chapter five: the straight dope on prison rape read for peer led discussion)
Ok Trolland-man, you wanted questions; here you go:
#1: Last President for each party to over-see a balanced budget?
#2: Last President for each party to over-see a budget surplus?
#3: Which party controlled house voted in May to A) not allow a clean deficit ceiling bill and B) not consider revenue increases, thus intentionally creating this mess?
“If you don’t like how things are going in the United States, then fucking LEAVE. We don’t need your treasonous bullshit.” It’s shit like that which makes me hope this part of the continent gets nuked to fucking hell to eliminate people with that mindset.
Well, if you go by the Constitution, the sole budget authority is the congress. The president only executes the budget they create and approve; this kind of makes it a congressional problem. But again, that’s only if you go by the Constitution – I don’t see any reason the Tea Party would suddenly want to start actually reading the Constitution.
1. Do you have debt? A mortgage, a student loan, an unpaid credit card balance?
2. How is our current president or any prior to him responsible for America’s obsession with debt?
3. Do you expect anyone to step up and shift priorities toward retiring debt?
4. How is this a political argument in the first place (and by that I mean, how is it specific to the policies put forward by either conservatives or liberals)?
1. Home, paid for. Student loan, for heaven’s sake, don’t you know I’m an old man? Unpaid Card balance, never more than a few hundred, and paid in full every month.
2. No individual is responsible for the obsessions of others.
3. Yes.
4. I marvel at the very question….. what argumentt are you talking about?
Oh, yeah…. I know you. You’re a whining little crybaby…. and yet you think you’re the shit………
Where did I bleed? I’ll bet money I’ve had 10 stitches for every year of your punkass life. I’m 100% scar tissue and gristle little feller. I’d eat your lunch and shit you a fucking biscuit.
4. You’re making it an argument against liberals, where I see it an economic argument.
Glad you’re debt-free, but seriously… attacking the current political party for an endemic American issue seems shortsighted even for a troll. Shouldn’t you be blaming those who are contributing to the issue rather than those who are trying to solve it?
4. Merely saying that one political party is contributing to the issue and the other is trying to solve it, MAKES it a political argument. How fucking blind are you?
I’m really, seriously, not angry at the world. I’m just sick of seeing people who profess to be “accepting and tolerant” demonstrate a complete lack of acceptance or tolerance of anyone who dares to posess and voice an opposing view. Hypocrisy….. I fucking despise it.
Where would you like to see less spending? I think we should cut spending in some areas, certainly, but also increase revenue. Yep, I want to see a fair tax. Of every dollar made in the USA with the benefit of our social and physical infrastructure a certain percent should go back to the upkeep. I think we need an educational system that doesn’t suck kids dry. I think we need to try to decrease the income disparity, because when poorer people have money, they spend it. They have to, because they can’t afford to put it away; and more money circulating means more jobs and a healthier economy. I also think we should crack down on the insurance industry and on wall street. I don’t think it is right that they two of the most profitable industries when they produce absolutely nothing. Just allocatin’ funds.
I agree with you in most respects. What I have problems with is raising taxes without CLEAR constraints on further spending and a CLEAR plan to reduce the already outlandish deficit. I think taxes SHOULD be raised, IF there is a CLEAR and acceptable plan to lower them again when well defined goals have been met. The educational system in this country is rapidly going to shit, in my opinion, because of the teacher’s union, and as for insurance and Wall Street? meh… We kinda need them.
Thing is Trolland, we both know that the bringing of America to its knees has been done on purpose. A war of choice in Iraq that was paid for by TAX CUTS says it all. Government money borrowed from the investor class went to buy armaments and materiel, supllied by, you guessed it, investor class corporate fucks. Who happens to be the GOP powerbase, wink wink.They want to shrink government and kill it and looky here, they pulled it off, coincidently enriching themselves on the way. Go figure. Two terms of ineptness couldn’t bring about the perfect storm that made America more and more gangrenous while enriching the investor class, then as it goes belly up due to collective malfeasance of the lackeys of finance and capitol the working class gets robbed to pay for a bailout, that enriches the investor class.
And ignorant hardons like you scream about liberals while stomping around your trailer watching FOX news wishing you could buy some gold but your shit job doesn’t pay enough to cover your pro wrestling pay for view and your cigarettes and old milwaukee for the week as it is, plus your kid is knocked up, which caused her to lose her ‘exotic dancing’ job – like your wife tricking for oxys isn’t enough…
They are bringing the whole shithouse down. Maybe you can get a homeland security job with the new regime and teach those educated bastards that laugh at you who’s boss. Blackwater has chinese tutors now, you’ll do fine with your new corporate masters.
🙂 Ya fuck LOL
Wow, and what are your theories on WTC? You really need to meet Rosie O’Donnell. You’re prolly just about fem enough for her, you jism-filled pussbag.
PS You’re really fun. All retards are fun.
^ that too.
Tolland– What would you have liked to see him do?
(That’s the short answer)
OK, hate to take it off the misguided political rant:
Oh yeah, and just to mention, I sure as hell can’t figure out where these dipshit fucking neocons got the idea that anyone is listening to them. Why not be a fucking adult and pay your taxes like everyone else? oh that’s right, I forgot: entitlement.
Well damn. If you don’t like how things are going in the United States, then fucking LEAVE. We don’t need your treasonous bullshit.
Get off it. Those of us who wish to argue or discuss or agree or insult or whatever are welcome. Those who don’t understand (as in you) are welcome to leave, and probably should.
maybe it’s time to go back, way back, back into time….
Why do I feel like you miss Carter, too?
how did I know that you’d avoid revealing anything about your actual politics. C’mon, Tolland, won’t you tell us the direction you’d like to see this country headed in and give us some idea of how you think we could get there?
FUCK YES JIMMY CASTOR! “Bertha Butt Boogie” was my theme song in college.
that’s awesome. quick trivia fact: berta butt was introduced in this song
Actually I’ll be happy to discuss in greater detail. I’d just like to see this country in a much more financially stable position. Government spending is too often in areas I don’t support, and the deficit is insane….
The Liberals I know are the most “entitled” acting motherfuckers on the planet.
And I’ll assume by his silence that I’m on point. Too much truth.
You wanna ask me questions? Fire away. Number them please.
China, Japan and other European countries are looking into making their own currency. America is so fucked at the moment.
you obviously have no clue what you’re talking about and have a very shallow and thoughless view about how the real world works, my friend
knocked up strippers actually make more in their first trimester as kind of an unspoken severance package as their breasts get all swollen and tender and have that rosy fertile glow that just flips a switch inside those packs of sweaty persians looking to drop some serious dollars after a long day on their cell phones in their Fendi franchise store
a little pooch above the cooch easily disguised with your bunched down babydoll during your feature dance because if you’re the kind of guy to talk shit about a dancer because she has a bit of a gut it’s because you and your jerkoff friends are the kind of guys who pay the cover charge and sit in the back and fucking window shop all day (fuck you, get the fuck out, no one likes you and you are a waste of space)
you start to show more and you still have an in, doing private bachelor parties pulling in 3 g’s a night because odds are your bosses who live and breathe among the community that has possessed a staring problem since the third grade and are filthy with connections to keep you earning before you squirt out you Keelaigh or Desteeny or whatever its name is and you’re back to work with an angry red C-section scar to push in some unwashed trucker’s face
so ends today’s lesson on how the real world operates (for tomorrow, have chapter five: the straight dope on prison rape read for peer led discussion)
it’s not that i don’t care, it’s just that you’re very boring to argue with cause you always get your undies in a bunch up your buttcrack.
Ok Trolland-man, you wanted questions; here you go:
#1: Last President for each party to over-see a balanced budget?
#2: Last President for each party to over-see a budget surplus?
#3: Which party controlled house voted in May to A) not allow a clean deficit ceiling bill and B) not consider revenue increases, thus intentionally creating this mess?
Umm, they have their own currencies and all of the debt issued by those nations rated lower than ours.
I take it you’re not familiar with the terms Yen, Yuan, or Euro.
Weren’t they the hookers in Full Metal Jacket?
I never get my undies in a bunch, I just have fun seeing how far the opposition is willing to go…..
too beaucoup
I wasn’t talking to you, but since you ask…..
1. It doesn’t matter, it wasn’t Obama, and we are talking about Obama.
2. It doesn’t matter, it wasn’t Obama, and we are talking about Obama.
3. It doesn’t matter, that vote was NOT the reason for the downgrade…. AND you are an excuse generating asshole, just like Obama.
(that last part just kinda needed to be said)
“If you don’t like how things are going in the United States, then fucking LEAVE. We don’t need your treasonous bullshit.”
It’s shit like that which makes me hope this part of the continent gets nuked to fucking hell to eliminate people with that mindset.
Well, if you go by the Constitution, the sole budget authority is the congress. The president only executes the budget they create and approve; this kind of makes it a congressional problem. But again, that’s only if you go by the Constitution – I don’t see any reason the Tea Party would suddenly want to start actually reading the Constitution.
You don’t like the Tea Party? Are you a racist or something?
An absolute genius.
Of course, everyone is.
Nah – the corporates are; they suck off the hind tit like no other.
(bonus points for being able to comprehend that saying)
You’re trolling, but I’ll bite.
I’ve only been upset by the goings-on here once, when I first joined….. am long time ago….
1. Home, paid for. Student loan, for heaven’s sake, don’t you know I’m an old man? Unpaid Card balance, never more than a few hundred, and paid in full every month.
2. No individual is responsible for the obsessions of others.
3. Yes.
4. I marvel at the very question….. what argumentt are you talking about?
You don’t like the “corporations”? And you don’t like the Tea Party? And nothing is Obama’s fault? I think I know you.
Really? You know me?
Good – show me your ribbon bar. Show me you’ve actually done something aside from sitting at home developing uninformed opinions in mommy’s basement.
Where have you been? What have you done? Where did you bleed?
And you think you know me?
Oh, yeah…. I know you. You’re a whining little crybaby…. and yet you think you’re the shit………
Where did I bleed? I’ll bet money I’ve had 10 stitches for every year of your punkass life. I’m 100% scar tissue and gristle little feller. I’d eat your lunch and shit you a fucking biscuit.
LOL Just kidding. I’m frail, like a little girl.
Nice Troll though
I got mine in Bush Sr’s little FireEx, a few other bits in other places. Left the Republican bullshit to become a staunch Independent.
Tea Partiers are fuckwads that can’t see when they’re being used; the whole thing is fucking sad.
As in one unified currency for all of those countries. Sorry for not specifying.
Kinda thought you’d be specific…
u alwais b like “omg i’m so angry at the world” n stuff
why do you fuckfaces still reply to TM? You know he’s a broken Johnny Rebel record by now, don’t you?
3. The American people.
4. Merely saying that one political party is contributing to the issue and the other is trying to solve it, MAKES it a political argument. How fucking blind are you?
what are you telling me… that my broke ass bank account is worth less… bah
I’m really, seriously, not angry at the world. I’m just sick of seeing people who profess to be “accepting and tolerant” demonstrate a complete lack of acceptance or tolerance of anyone who dares to posess and voice an opposing view. Hypocrisy….. I fucking despise it.
ssshh…let them all learn the hard way…his posts are so much fun because of the comments xD
I agree!
i don’t think people who are accepting and tolerant of opposing views have to be accepting of “kill all muslims”
I have never advocated the killing of all Muslims, and never will. We need to keep some as slaves. LOL
In what areas would you like to see more government spending and how do you think we should reduce that doggone deficit?
“In what areas would you like to see more government spending?” The Space Program. How do I think we should reduce the deficit? Spend less. And you?
Where would you like to see less spending? I think we should cut spending in some areas, certainly, but also increase revenue. Yep, I want to see a fair tax. Of every dollar made in the USA with the benefit of our social and physical infrastructure a certain percent should go back to the upkeep. I think we need an educational system that doesn’t suck kids dry. I think we need to try to decrease the income disparity, because when poorer people have money, they spend it. They have to, because they can’t afford to put it away; and more money circulating means more jobs and a healthier economy. I also think we should crack down on the insurance industry and on wall street. I don’t think it is right that they two of the most profitable industries when they produce absolutely nothing. Just allocatin’ funds.
I agree with you in most respects. What I have problems with is raising taxes without CLEAR constraints on further spending and a CLEAR plan to reduce the already outlandish deficit. I think taxes SHOULD be raised, IF there is a CLEAR and acceptable plan to lower them again when well defined goals have been met. The educational system in this country is rapidly going to shit, in my opinion, because of the teacher’s union, and as for insurance and Wall Street? meh… We kinda need them.
the Amero will be here soon
More likely the Peso.