eh… some is good, most is not. Same can be said for most anthologies/collections though. The best overall poetry collection I have is Russian Poetry: The Modern Period.
Add them to my collection, sure. Replace Rand with them, nope. I know she’s not the be-all-end-all of the philosophy world, but unless she’s talking politics, I like her stuff. Plus she served as one of my intros to reading this kind of thing in the first place.
No, she isn’t the be-all-end-all, more like an embarrassing footnote in the 20th century. To be fair though she achieved about as much as any female philosopher has or can be expected to, with characteristic shallowness and superficiality. Everyone has their guilty pleasures, I guess. </condescension>
I like her stuff on the ego and individuality. Not amazingly deep philosophy, but I like it. No shame in my game. At this point though though only book of hers that I think is actually good is Anthem.
Anyway, take my Schopenhauer rec to heart. He was my introduction to philosophy; I can quote a lot of his stuff verbatim and I love him like a crotchety, misanthropic and piercingly brilliant great grandfather. Read The World As Will And Representation (available abridged and cheap as The World As Will And Idea by Everyman Library), and while I’d recommend Parerga And Paralipomena it’s published in two paperback volumes by Cambridge for $60 fucking dollars each – fortunately Penguin has a tiny pared-down sliver of it as Essays And Aphorisms, which I’ve gone through three copies of, my present one being creased and dogeared. Your one-stop shop for pessimism, perennialism and post-Kantian sagacity
Some good philosophy there, now it’s time to actually read it.
You know, a sign that says “I’m smart” would take up a lot less space.
needs more tek war
nice books, fag
1000 years of irish poetry….
i think i’ll pass.
nice collection. Im also addicted to cheap used books, all mine are in storage at the moment tho otherwise i’d post up pics
i moved continents recently, but some things i just couldn’t leave behind… can;t justify buying real shelves either :p
The philosophy stuff is what I read the most.
I’d rather have the books AND a sign that says “If this kind of stuff interests you then let’s hang out”.
eh… some is good, most is not. Same can be said for most anthologies/collections though. The best overall poetry collection I have is Russian Poetry: The Modern Period.
Dat Bukowski. Maybe pick up some John Fante to complement it.
Hey, Really Giger.
Get on it.
You actually have the Kalevala book.
That’s one of the ones I’m reading right now actually. I really should take the time to Finnish it…
come on ghetto…. you didnt see that woodcarving on the left… im dissapoint
used books are the way to go. that way i dont feel bad if it gets banged up a bit. and its cheap as hell.
Yeah, not caring about them getting beat up is another great reason to go used. I suck at taking care of things.
Talk about havin’ wood…
That actually made me laugh.
yeah ok, signed gigers aren;t really in cheap second hand category, but i did inherit those
it’s detachable too!
“If you go home with somebody and they don’t have books, don’t fuck ’em.” – John Waters
Yes to this, Mr Peru. When people tell me they don’t read, it suddenly makes sense…they are dumbasses.
I’d recommend replacing the Rand with some Schopenhauer, Wittgenstein, Locke and Hume
Add them to my collection, sure. Replace Rand with them, nope. I know she’s not the be-all-end-all of the philosophy world, but unless she’s talking politics, I like her stuff. Plus she served as one of my intros to reading this kind of thing in the first place.
No, she isn’t the be-all-end-all, more like an embarrassing footnote in the 20th century. To be fair though she achieved about as much as any female philosopher has or can be expected to, with characteristic shallowness and superficiality. Everyone has their guilty pleasures, I guess. </condescension>
I like her stuff on the ego and individuality. Not amazingly deep philosophy, but I like it. No shame in my game. At this point though though only book of hers that I think is actually good is Anthem.
Anyway, take my Schopenhauer rec to heart. He was my introduction to philosophy; I can quote a lot of his stuff verbatim and I love him like a crotchety, misanthropic and piercingly brilliant great grandfather. Read The World As Will And Representation (available abridged and cheap as The World As Will And Idea by Everyman Library), and while I’d recommend Parerga And Paralipomena it’s published in two paperback volumes by Cambridge for $60 fucking dollars each – fortunately Penguin has a tiny pared-down sliver of it as Essays And Aphorisms, which I’ve gone through three copies of, my present one being creased and dogeared. Your one-stop shop for pessimism, perennialism and post-Kantian sagacity
Specific recommendations rule. I’ve been meaning to pick up some Schopenhauer for some time anyway.
Nods in agreement to Peru and Ghouls.*
Hi, I’m Dave and I’m a banned spammer cuntholeface.
i keel him.
my hero!
Stick your spam up yer cunthole Dave.