36 thoughts on “Big is new black”

  1. You can be pretty and fat and that’s a fact,,,or you can look like a fat skank. Same applies to skinny chicks. This whole “Feed me and make me fatter” thing however is just warped in the same vein as anny girls. 

  2. These fat acceptance women get riled up so fervently about how they’re perceived, but I’ll bet their activism stops at the “posting text heavy pics on Facebook” phase of political action. I seriously doubt they put posters up of fat men on their walls or fill their mental spank bank with images of John Candy or Louie Anderson or Chris Farley. No doubt they’re smitten with all the same chiseled pretty boys as their skinny friends and they probably find it perfectly acceptable to evaluate and judge men based on each man’s physical state. Yet somehow it’s a civil rights issue when men do the same with them. 

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