So I woke one morning to find a spider bite on my hand. The people I’ve shown these to had nothing but jokes, but I’ve never really had one start to look like this before… Does anyone think this is a cause for concern or medical attention?
Any thoughts on my spider bite?
July 25, 2011 9:48 am GMT -5
So I woke one morning to find a spider bite on my hand. The people I’ve shown these to had nothing but jokes, but I’ve never really had one start to look like this before… Does anyone think this is a cause for concern or medical attention?
How do you know it’s a spider bite? The docs can’t do shit unless it gets infected. The poison is going to do it’s work one way or another, so you shouldn’t go pay the hospital 900 bucks to tell you what I just did and maybe give you some antibiotics. If you are not immunosuppressed, you should be fine. Doesn’t look red and rotten enough to be brown recluse.
Oooo I hope it’s a white tail spider, their bites cause necrosis. too bad it’s only in australia 😛
make sure it isn’t staph, the initial symptoms are the same as a spider bite
This. It looks more like a staph infection than a spider bite to me (but my experience is limited).
I don’t know much about that. I’d have to do some more research to see if that would be the case. What I have read so far is that it can be contagious, but no one that lives with me have shown any symptoms like this.
Are you sure that isn’t poison oak/sumac/ivy? I had poison ivy earlier this summer and it raised welts that were 1/4″ high that looked like that. The itching is what made me wonder about the poison ivy. Get some calamine lotion and STOP scratching it.
You’ll most likely have a scar. I had a bite above my eyebrow, left it alone (aside from keeping it clean) and was left with a pretty impressive scar. No biggie. I’m still pretty.
HAHAHAHA!!! That’s exactly what a friend told me!
If you die, can I have your computer?
Trust me… You wouldn’t want it. 😀
Well then how about your heart and lungs?
I guess that one would be up to you. I am a donor, but there probably won’t be much use of them considering that I’m a smoker… Or are you secretly a cannibal? If so, they might have a robust taste to them. 😛
Hope that the spider was radioactive …
^ this
If that means climbing walls and shooting webs from my hands… FUCK YEAH! ME TOO!
Mmmmmmm smoked BBQ lungs! Or Cajun blackened lungs!
i dont know what kinda spider bit you but if it comes out that bad you might wanna look into it before it starts to eat your skin : x
The swelling and redness has gone down considerably since I took these pictures. I have a good feeling that I’m in the clear.
Lol. 3 days later? You’re fuckin fine, everyone else shaddap.
The problem isn’t the hemotoxic venom, the problem is the amount of it.
Babies and teen spiders are ok, full grown motherfuckers will kill and rot an area the size of your back right off.
Spring cleaning in homes in the area where I grew up is specifically done with the purpose of smoking out teens and babies before they can get to full size.
I’m afraid we’ll need to amputate in the first 48 hours or you’ll have to be put down.
you should totally cut it open.
feel better soon <3
Doctor? Will I ever be able to play the violin again?
YEAH! Maybe throw some salt in it too! 😀
It’s starting to look less butt-like now. Thanks Roads. <3
Have you considered taking up whistling? Or, perhaps riverdance or clogging.
Drain that bitch.