My Secret Santa was awesome!! A couple live plants, 3 ampoules of chemicals, a bag of magnets (what little boy doesn’t love magnets?), a piece of radioactive ore, an awesome book, fuckin laser beams and a great non-condescending letter to reduce the chance I crater the whole thing!!! I tried uploading pics but the software just laughed at me and said I didn’t have permission. First Pic is the bunch, second is the chemicals. The square “puck” contains an ampoule of Bromine and Mercury with another next to it of an adulterant that I haven’t yet read up about but from what I’ve read from the enclosure is a bitterant to keep animals and idiots from drinking/eating what they shouldn’t and at just the top edge ia a snap-top vial with the radioactive ore next to the magnetic BBs. Next is the book, laser pointers and cactus. Last is the cloned plant in its very own Glass House. I knew that bell jar would come in handy one day!
6 thoughts on “I̶ ̶d̶o̶n̶’̶t̶ ̶k̶n̶o̶w̶ ̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶H̶a̶n̶d̶l̶e̶!̶!̶!̶ Omniflop rocks!!!”
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Hmm lurk a little bit more and it’ll be obvious?
Thanks heaps whoever or whatever you are. 😉
It was me.
Glad to hear you got a kick out of it and found my hastily assembled letter polite.
Fun fact: The tree I sent is a clone from the one my Ghetto secret Santa sent me last year.
When I saw “a piece of radioactive ore” I knew it was you Omniflop!
Just to warn you that particular plant grows very fast and is a tree so don’t plant it to close to anything! I haven’t even had mine for a year yet (Thanks Flop!) and it is taller than one meter/3ft. You are going to need a much larger glass dome to keep it under!