Monday, October 24 @ 11:48:32 pm

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85 thoughts on “Monday, October 24 @ 11:48:32 pm”

  1. I choose C, because I can wrangle a velociraptor with the rope, teach the velociraptor how to find food for me (using the survival guide of course) and then cutting shit with the machete.


  2. Reading the comments above, it’s almost like nobody’s read the bit about the island being full of dinosaurs.  We can only guess some of those dinosaurs are carnivorous, so worrying about giardia might be past some serious immediate problems that the gun would really help solve.

    A is the only safe bet.
  3. none of the above. 

    there are fucking dinasoaurs. no matter what you choose you’re fucked. Why prolong the agony, i’d take on the first T-rex I saw with my bare hands and just get that shit over with. That or I’d just chill out with the herbivores.
  4. Definitely C, and I’ll tell you why; That book will provide you with tons of information on how to be resourceful and utilize your surroundings, therefore keeping you busy and not loosing your mind. The Machete; good for clearing brush, cutting down material for shelters, easy to sharpen, skinning/hacking your kills, close range defense(you shouldn’t need any other kind otherwise you’re doing it wrong), and a bunch more shit I can’t even think of right now. It’s a very versatile tool. The rope; shelter, pulley tool, perimeter trip wire alarm(but this could be made from woven handmade rope), traps/snares, or as last resort noose(for the person who knows they won’t make it). It’s the most stealthy pack. You won’t be making loud noise with a gun so predators know where you are, or giving off a distinct unnatural smell while wounded that something would like to investigate. Also… bullets scattered all over the island FUCK NO. Wandering into territory even if you’re making sure your not down wind of anything, not being able to look for predators cause you’re looking at a jungle floor… for dark hard to spot bullets. Nonononononono!

    If you’re smart and patient everything else can be avoided or a remedy can be found in your environment. One should also be on the beach; #1 to be more easily spotted by having single fires, or other beacons on an easily see backdrop of white sand. Plus they will never find you in the depths of the forest, but…. #2 the animals will. Also you can’t see shit for all the trees, and you’re NOT graceful or in your element whatsoever. You should be out of the way of any major predators territories, seeing as (I imagine) only smaller scavengers would be near the beach. If their were herbivores or any big game that would attract hunters move along the cost till you find a barren spot. #3 The ocean is a great SAFE food source, better than any place you’d find inland. And #4 the Ocean is the bringer of many great resources(garbage) scattered across the land by mankind. You could find any number of items to make things easier for yourself. Old gas cans: residual fuel for fire, and can for boiling water. Glass of any kind: magnifier of sun’s rays for as a fire starter, fine edge to fillet/skin your kills among many other uses. COUNTLESS other things that could be of use/keep you occupied in your day to day, and keeping up both moral as well as your focus.

    I was going to go into why most of the other columns’ items are completely useless, but I’ve already written way too much.  All I can say is that if you’re smart, patient, and resourceful… you won’t need any of that other shit, especially seeing as most of it is in short supply. You can’t depend on shit that needs to be rationed, you have to rely on things in your environment cause it’s almost all replenishable. Also, keeping a sharp/sane mind is VERY important, and with all the things you’ll be doing on a daily basis it’ll keep you from going crazy/paranoid-to-stupidity which = death.

  5. C. The machete is a happy medium between a knife and an axe. I don’t know squat about survival and a guide written by the chief survival instructor for the SAS is going to cover anything I might need to know. Like how to start fires without a “fire starter”, how to find safe drinking water so I won’t need purifying tablets. Treating wounds and shit like that without a first aid kit, getting dinner without the need for a gun.

    The meds in A sound nice but you’re on that island for 3 years. That shit isn’t going to last you 3 years. The gun would be nice IF you can find that ammo that’s scattered around the ruins.Except it’s going to be loud and may attract unwanted attention and in that climate, without regular maintenance/cleaning it’s going to foul and be useless, or even dangerous long before you get off that island..

  6. What the fuck do I need water purification chems, if dinos and all the other animals can drink the water there and not be sick, so can I.

    If there’s ammo, you don’t need fire starter, you’ve got gunpowder if you can remove the primer.
    Dinos being there is more realistic than not being able to find any of these items in the abandoned facilities there; including the book. If there’s ammo, there’s guns, if there’s power station — there’s medkits, so this is kind of stupid.
    I’m hesitating between A and C, C’s got rope, which could be the only hard find in the buildings, but A’s got a knife and I don’t like to gut my fish with a machete.
  7. C: All because of the fucking book. I’m just barely smart enough to know that I’m not smart enough, and I have just enough knowledge to realize that I really don’t have enough knowledge.  Any other choice completely seems arrogant to me, unless you are one extraordinary motherfucking Eagle scout/Special Forces/Triathlon champion..

  8. why need chems if animals can drink & not get sick? the same reasons why mexicans can drink their country’s water & not shit their guts out, and the same reason why dogs can drink out of rocky mountain snowmelt streams and not die of dysentery. They’re born with immunity. You on the other hand, are not.

    Also, to anyone who chose C, 10 feet of rope is only good if you feel like hanging yourself. Otherwise a 10′ length is too fucking short to be useful.

  9. Didn’t read the lenght, the picture ain’t 10 feet rope, there’s a longer one in the picture. Yeah, well, I could use it for the laundry.

    And I can drink the water, don’t worry about me, 3 days of gastroenteritis and I’m fine. Been there, done that. Many times. Every single mountain trip ends like this, you don’t bring water up there if you’re not an idiot, you take it from the ponds where all the fucking goats shit.

    Oh, and btw, you get that stomach flu even if you boil the water, ’cause you’re 69% water and there’s no fucking way a rapid change of water environment and lack of sanitary equipment doesn’t eventually get you sick for at least days. Better pack up on that lakcid.

  10. C, I am gonna take a nice shit, wipe my ass with the SAS book, then use a machete to cut off my penis and suck it(always wanted to do that!), then hang myself with a rope because there’s no fucking way I am going to survive for 3 years on a islands with velociraptors no matter what type of equipment I have.  

    Although option A with ODing on all the pills I can find(also, morphine… mmm…) and then shooting myself in the head does seem appealing!
  11. But these fuckers are bigger than a dog. And even a dog can pose a threat if rabid. 

    That all would suck but be fun at the same time. You don’t care about school, money, work, you’re pretty much concentrated on saving your own ass. Kinda like vacation with more chances to die.

  12. I don’t believe I am; If we’re talking about a situation where there’s dinosaurs, talking about what’s possible and what isn’t seems more stupid.. as stated in my original post.

    You just want to call me stupid for stating zombies come in various sizes. That’s silly.
  13. The water thing I agree is obvious, unless one has the built up immunity for it. But considering you’re probably far removed from where you ought to be, your body obviously has to deal with parasites, and contaminants of a different colour, so boiling is always necessary. One exception to get clean(er) water is through stills, dew, or rainfall.

    Also 10 feet of thick rope can be broken down into smaller strains, so I say it still holds significant value.

  14. I wasn’t calling you stupid, I’m saying that you avoid the places the dinosaurs will be, and you won’t have to deal with them. English lesson; just because someone says “you” they don’t always directly mean you as in theris you. Not trying to be condescending, just I know this isn’t your first language. It’s ridiculous, I know.

    Also, dinosaurs did exist(unlike zombies). They were animals that roamed the Earth not unlike the ones that walk around it now. They all have specific categories(herbivores, carnivores, scavengers), therefore will most likely have similar behavioral patterns of animals today . You can apply that knowledge to this hypothetical situation and use it to your advantage and not run into such big predators.

  15. You can never be oversensitive about a rope, it’s a complex plaiting, it fails in one place and it’s useless. If you fall more than 10 meters on the same rope 2-3 times, it’s no more reliable, has to be thrown away, or used for that laundry. People think we’re schizoid about ropes, but the rule is you can never be too careful about ropes. That’s how Kukuczka and hundreds of other “professionals” died, they weren’t careful enough about the rope.

  16. I can’t seem to choose,

    A knife and meds are nice, but so is the fire starting stuff, I don’t want the axe, the rope machete and book seems the preferred options
    but as I am a manly man, I would go barehand, only wearing my briefs, and tacle the first dino I encounter to make it my horse
  17. none of the above: curl into the fetal position on said island, t-rex feels bad for me and takes me back to his t-rex cave where we have a birthday party. I win over all the dinosaurs in dinosaur island and become their queen. 

  18. Easily A, the water purifying argument is solved by boiling water in something from the med kit.and i’ve done enough self reliant camping to not need the book.

  19. B!!! obviously with that amount of water purifying pills you can poison all the motherfucking dinosaurs of the island, plus i will need fire for cooking their carcass. And the axe will be helpful when i have to kill the motherfuckers who are going to rescue me.

    Man 3 years without interntez imagine that.
  20. B,,,You’re on an island. I’d be looking for my food in the water. I think out of all the bladed items the axe would be the most useful tool. The machete of course would be the most useful weapon. And without water you’re just fucked. Fire is the thing that completely set our humanoid ancestors apart and would allow you like them to eat things more easily. . If the ammo is cached around  the island you could exploit it without the gun. I wonder what a fresh raptor steak would taste like? 3 years is a long time however and you would have to figure shit out quickly and avoid injuring yourself in a profound way,,,

  21. That’s one reason why you’d be camping on the coast and only venturing inland when absolutely necessary. Take into consideration that velociraptors are also pack hunters with the intelligence of at least dolphins. They can and will take you down very quickly if you get caught out with your pants down. Also take into consideration that humans are actually one of the smelliest animals in existence and there’s no way you won’t have to tangle with something that’s either pissed by your presence or wants you for dinner!

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