OC: Grandma turned 100 years old last Tuesday

She’s in really good health. Walks around pretty much with no problems, other than a walker she uses for balance. Has a little bit of trouble seeing and hearing. Speaks very well. She’s completely there mentally.
Happy 100th Grandma!

She’s in really good health. Walks around pretty much with no problems, other than a walker she uses for balance. Has a little bit of trouble seeing and hearing. Speaks very well. She’s completely there mentally.
Happy 100th Grandma!
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45 thoughts on “OC: Grandma turned 100 years old last Tuesday”

  1. She must be very proud to have lived long enough to watch her family’s legacy be carried on by the likes of you, Drunken Irish Porn Star Wolverine.

  2. Awesome news! Good to see your family going strong. Mr Sol., you should show your gramma your wonderful world in the ghetto. Bet she’d….like it?

  3. She has never said a word, one way or another. Never asked about ’em or anything. I think she just doesn’t give a shit. Not that she’s all “cool like that” or whatever, it’s just not something she really gives a shit about I guess.

  4. I never knew any of my grandparents, but I look after other peoples. She looks spritely and totally with it. You are lucky, and I hope you enjoy her ๐Ÿ˜‰

  5. Thank you! And you keep up the good work! I’m sure it can be tough. You’ll be happy to know that the place she is staying in is absolutely amazing! It’s basically an apartment building of sorts. Very clean, awesome staff. She has her own room. Residents are even allowed pets! When I use to drive a cab I would occasionally have to deliver medications ‘n such to rest homes and the like. It was pretty creepy in some of those places. Dozens of residents lined up against the wall in their wheel chairs left unattended, bad smells, etc etc. And I know it’s not necessarily the fault of the care takers. Their often understaffed and underpaid, working in facilities that are probably overcrowded, and they can only handle so much at a time. So I’m thankful she’s in such a nice place. 

  6. ugh … there are lots of those skanky places around.  I couldn’t work in one of those. Our place is pretty cool too, pretty expensive, but you worth every cent if you think about the alternatives. You kinda get messed up when a favourite falls off the twig, and I guess you just have to accept that shit happens at their age. Like I said before, I never had any old people in my life, and it is nice to be around some of them … not all old people are nice, some are pretty arseholey ;-P

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