I Graduated Bitches!

Graduated on the weekend. About fucking time. Now time to waste that degree.

I got this from my family for graduating.

And this is the first thing I am going to read. Been wanting one for a couple of months now.

Any other suggestions?

Graduated on the weekend. About fucking time. Now time to waste that degree.

I got this from my family for graduating.

And this is the first thing I am going to read. Been wanting one for a couple of months now.

Any other suggestions?

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29 thoughts on “I Graduated Bitches!”

  1. Is the fantasy/medieval genre your style?  Cause if you are, Eragon, Eldest, and Brsinger (first 3 of 4 books in the Inheritance series) are simply fantastic.  Top notch fantasy.

    I started the Wheel of Time and it’s pretty great.
  2. Those dragon books were awful, and you’re a bad person for recommending them. Particularly if this fine young gentleman with a too tight coat is already reading the far more meritorious Martin books. For shame. They were literally written by a child, and it shows. Oh, and the Wheel of Time is essentially an unsatisfying perpetual motion machine. 

  3. I agree for the most part.The wheel of time is waaaaaaaaaay to slow in my opinion, en i dropped it after about a 1000 pages (i had the whole series as one gigantic 3000+page pdf file on my reader)

    I would recommend,as far as fantasy goes, The sword of truth (but only like the first six books or so) ,  if you’re into Warhammer 40k (wich i am not but i very much liked the books anyway: the Eisenhorn en Ravenor series) but very much most of motherfucking all : everything by Raymond E. Feist; starting with Magician; the apprentice (or something like that, i read those in dutch, so i don’t really know the english title…
    Just my two cents!
  4. Cheers guys. And I wasn’t specifically looking for fantasy. I am only reading Game of Thrones because of the TV series. Any book recommendations would be awesome ๐Ÿ˜€

  5. Oh Christ, read some real books. (not you in particular, Jarse, this goes for the entire ghetto.)

    PS: congratulations on your graduation, what sort of jobs can you expect to be hunting for in the future?

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