…here’s what we do. We have a world-wide search for a man and a woman that resemble Hitler’s parents. Then we mate them and take away their kid(if it’s a girl, abort mission, try again) and raise them according to the Plan. I mean, literally… We pull a Truman show on that kid as he grows up and make sure he goes through all the events that has shaped Hitler into the man he became. If everything goes according to the Plan, the kid will grow up into a ruthless dictator sitting in a underground bunker and giving out orders to his “generals”(excellent actors, of course) to exterminate the jews, gypsies, gays and you-know-who else. So, once he commits his acts of genocide, or at least he will think that he did, we grab him and give him to the Doctor. The Doctor will pump little Addie full of aesthetics and remove one eye, ears, nose, tongue, lower jaw, larynx, one lung, kidney, arms, legs, spinal cord and all skin. Then we place him on a shelf in a glass box and feed him a healthy diet of vitamins and nutrients so he doesn’t die. Then, we put a mirror in front of him so he can look at himself with his eye and think about what he’s done. Put this exhibition in Israel and charge jews a reasonable price to see him. We’ll make our money back in a year.
I am a fucking genius you guys, right?
So I’ve been thinking…
…here’s what we do. We have a world-wide search for a man and a woman that resemble Hitler’s parents. Then we mate them and take away their kid(if it’s a girl, abort mission, try again) and raise them according to the Plan. I mean, literally… We pull a Truman show on that kid as he grows up and make sure he goes through all the events that has shaped Hitler into the man he became. If everything goes according to the Plan, the kid will grow up into a ruthless dictator sitting in a underground bunker and giving out orders to his “generals”(excellent actors, of course) to exterminate the jews, gypsies, gays and you-know-who else. So, once he commits his acts of genocide, or at least he will think that he did, we grab him and give him to the Doctor. The Doctor will pump little Addie full of aesthetics and remove one eye, ears, nose, tongue, lower jaw, larynx, one lung, kidney, arms, legs, spinal cord and all skin. Then we place him on a shelf in a glass box and feed him a healthy diet of vitamins and nutrients so he doesn’t die. Then, we put a mirror in front of him so he can look at himself with his eye and think about what he’s done. Put this exhibition in Israel and charge jews a reasonable price to see him. We’ll make our money back in a year.